Where compassionate HEALTHCARE delivery meets TECHNOLOGY

Cameroon Oncology Center

Cameroon Oncology Center

Cameroon Oncology Center

Where compassionate healthcare delivery meets technology

Where compassionate healthcare delivery meets technology

Where compassionate healthcare delivery meets technology

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“Our mission is to restore, maintain and improve the health of our community in a compassionate and professional environment using the state-of-the-art technology and methodology”

“Our mission is to restore, maintain and improve the health of our community in a compassionate and professional environment using the state-of-the-art technology and methodology”

“Our mission is to restore, maintain and improve the health of our community in a compassionate and professional environment using the state-of-the-art technology and methodology”

 Book anAppointment
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Emergency Case
Emergency Case
In case of emergency, please contact the Cameroon Oncology Center Hotline to Handle your Case.

Operating Hours

  • Monday-Friday 8.00 – 17.00
  • Saturday 9.30 – 17.30
  • Sunday 9.30 – 15.00
Lab Schedules
Lab Schedules
Unfortunately some cancer patients don’t respond or are resistant to therapy. Our research aims to find out why.

Our Major Clinical Services

cameroon oncology centeroffers an interdisciplinary structure  for cancer research and treatment that cover a wide range of aspects in medical hematology and oncology, surgical, neurosurgical, gynecologial, pediatric and urological oncology, oral and maxillofacial surgery, dermatological oncology, diagnostic radiation oncology, psychological care, pathology, clinical-experimental oncology, biometry und oncological rehabilitation.
Radiation  Oncology
Radiation Oncology
This is a high-quality interdisciplinary research related to the treatment of cancer using radiation
Medical Oncology
Medical Oncology
We the results of clinical and experimental research in oncology and hematology, particularly with experimental therapeutics...
Urgent Care
Urgent Care
This is a walk-in clinic focused on the delivery of ambulatory care in a dedicated medical facility outside of a traditional emergency ...


Cancer Screening Laboratory
Cancer Screening Laboratory
Blood tests and other lab tests used to diagnose cancer include CBC and tumor marker tests. Additional tests are needed to confirm a cancer diagnosis.
The good condition of Hospitalisation ensures  that fully or partially health recovery in many cases.
This  is Essential to the Diagnosis of Many Diseases Radiology, also called diagnostic imaging, is a series of different tests that take pictures or images of your organism...
Take control of your prescriptions ! We provide you with these convenient services that make it easier to care for yourself and your family.
 Surgery Center
Surgery Center
We are  committed to ensuring that your experience with us is relaxed and worry-free, from consultation through recovery

Why We Are The Best

Because we have the experience in providing a comprehensive range ofmedical services and  our expertise has the ability to enhance the overall efficiency.
Free MedicalCounseling
Free Medical
Quality &Certification
Quality &

What we do

At CAmeroon Oncology Center, we believe that science is constantly evolving to improve our understanding of human cancer.

Cancer Care


A diagnosis of cancer does not mean a “death sentence” as some cancers can be treated.  Our cancer treatment regimen utilize modern treatment techniques which include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy either as a single modality or combined.


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Imaging Center


The imaging center houses an MRI, CT scanner, digital x-ray unit, ultrasound units, and digital mammography unit, etc. We hope to acquire an MRI system for cancer patients.


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Urgent Care/Family medicine

Family medicine services would be provided 24hrs to patients at our expanded urgent care section. Annual health checks including common recommended tests by the US Center for Disease Control would be performed daily.


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Cancer Screening Service


Cancer screening equipment like mammography unit, ultrasound guided breast biopsy unit, endoscopy unit and colposcopy unit have been obtained for routine cancer screening...


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The Cameroon Oncology Center operates a comprehensive pharmacy service not only for cancer care but also for other health conditions. We stock on a permanent basis 19 commonly used chemotherapy drugs for our cancer patients as well as commonly prescribed drugs for our urgent care service.


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Heart and Lung Clinic


Dr.  Vincenzo Manisco is not only a medical oncologist but he is also heart and lung specialist and have practiced these specializations in Italy and France as well as many African countries. He is a multi-talented physician with experience in these three areas and he would head our heart and lung care team.


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Cameroon Oncology Center is a leader in Telehealth/Telemedicine and Health Information Management Systems. Telemedicine is the branch of medicine where modern communication tools are used to deliver medical care when the doctor and patient are separated by distance...


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Surgery Center


We have two operating rooms for performing all sorts of surgery.


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In Patient Services

Each patient is hospitalized in a private room each equipped with a toilet, bathroom & TV



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Case Studies

Advanced Technology

The Cameroon Oncology Center  is the first medical computerized medical linear accelerator and a computerized treatment planning system. Treatment on the medical linear accelerator includes 3D Conformal Radiation Therapy, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy and dynamic arc therapy.

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The Most Qualified, Skillful And Professional Staff

Both academic qualifications and professional qualifications are to work together to produce a skilled workforce for a better performance.


I Am Here To


Contact Us

Where compassionate healthcare delivery meets technology.

PO Box:1864 Douala
Bakoko Yapaki, 700m from Carrefour Palmaraies
Littoral Region,  Douala- Cameroon
+237 678850817
+237 678851568
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Copyright © 2025 Cameroon Oncology Center. All Rights Reserved. Created by Gilbert Hotou.